Saturday, November 23, 2019

How Do You Buy a Wood Fired Hot Tub?

Are you thinking to buy a wood fired hot tub for the very first time? If yes, you won’t be disappointed. Most people use saunas to rejuvenate and reinvigorate and provide them with a great array of health benefits.


Additionally, wood burning hot tubs are less expensive and quite easier to operate than their electric counterparts. Here are a few tips to consider buying a wood fired hot tub:

Wood fired sauna heater

When it comes to wood burning hot tubs, you have to choose from wood fired sauna heaters.


The internal heater is submerged in the water and you have to add wood through a port in the top. For ensuring safety, usually it’s walled off partially from the remaining part of the unit; so you’ll lose a small portion of the seating area.

Though the heater is submerged, it’s a bit more efficient option for sauna heating purposes. It will heat the water quickly and can be managed from the inside the hot tub.


The external heaters sit outside the unit and is placed low enough that the heat gets transferred to the water and heats through thermal siphoning. No seating space is lost because of the heater and it may take up to twice as long for hot tub heating.

When it comes to comparing between external and internal heater, the decision is purely personal. You can choose as per your personal needs and preferences.

The presence of kids

It’s worth mentioning that families with kids should give additional consideration to internal and external heating. Depending on the wood you’re going to burn, the type of wood and the design, it can get hot incredibly.

 If your kids will use it, you should focus on design, heating process and the seating position of children. When you buy an external heater, it could portray a risk to kids, who may be playing in the area. In these circumstances, you may go with internal to get rid of this problem.

Generally, there are four ways to access hot tubs – climbing, ladders, platforms and stairs. If you’re agile and young, you may go for a ladder or no access aids at all. If you are older, or have mobility problems and children, it’s better to go for stairs or platforms.

Platforms can be expensive for wood fired hot tubs whereas stairs may be affordable upgrade, especially if you are concerned about agility and mobility.


Most manufacturers and suppliers will make it easy on you and provide you with number of people who can sit comfortably in the hot tub at once. Please remember that, you will be provided with estimates which are based on your requirements.

Moreover, the galloons are calculated considering the tub to be filled at the capacity. They don’t account for the small amount of water displaced by internal heating facilities.

Bottom Line –

When it comes to buying wood fired hot tubs including wood fired sauna heaters, you should look no further than Heaters4Saunas. We specialize in providing a comprehensive range of wood burning heating kits best suiting the personal preferences and requirements. For more information, please visit our website.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Why Do You Use Electric Sauna During Winter?

Winter is considered as the most amazing time of the year. Unfortunately, the winter months are the times when the colds and the flu tend to reach the peak in severity and number. A hot soup and a peaceful good night’s sleep are something that may help you relieve cold and flu related miseries. Even, a sauna session in winter can boost your immunity while making you feel relaxed altogether.

Like everyone, you love the winter holidays and they can be the most stressful time throughout the year. Fortunately, electric sauna heaters are available on the market and have been used as the health-enhancer and immunity-booster. Here are some of the benefits of using electric saunas during winter discussed below:

Ultimate relaxation – A warm wet or dry heat sauna environment offers ultimate relaxation from aching and stressed muscles. Remember that, stress isn’t doing any favors on your body and seeking to unknot the tight muscles is a great benefit for your body. This is where a sauna comes in.

Restful sleep – Getting enough sleep doesn’t help you necessarily, if your rest isn’t restorative because of extreme stress for your busy schedule. The stress comes with resultant exhaustion that weakens immune system gradually.

Therefore, a relaxed body is paramount, if you want to fight against stress. Why don’t you relax yourself in your sauna! After that, you’ll have a restful sleep for sure.

Detox – The heat emitted from the sauna makes your body sweating. With sufficient hydration, a sauna can help you detox your system. It helps you feel relaxed by eliminating the nasty cough and sneeze exposures that you receive all day long. Taking a sauna session releases endorphin, a mood and immune system booster inside your body.

Time to socialize – Instead of keeping health benefits of sauna sessions to yourself, you should invite your near and dear ones – friends and family to connect with you. Socialization is important to eliminate stress, anxiety and depression. Getting a sauna in your own home or backyard means you don’t need to go far from home on rainy, dark nights. You have to take just a few steps to your own backyard. You will have your personalized sauna experience in the comfort and convenience of your own home.

Improve heart health – Generally, heart attacks occur more frequently around the world. When you enjoy a sauna session, you will find a high correlation between regular sauna use and improved circulation immune system as well as lower re-occurrence of heart problems. Therefore, a healthy and happy heart is a key to improve your health and wellbeing.

Bottom Line –

Heaters4Saunas is a premier and reliable supplier of saunas and sauna accessories allowing sauna enthusiasts to get relaxing and soothing experiences. We offer a comprehensive range of indoor and outdoor saunas including electric sauna heaters best suiting the personal preferences and requirements of clients. For more information about our products, please visit our website.